The following tricks I find pretty useful in my daily Python work. I also added a few I stumbled upon lately.
1. Use collections
This really makes your code more elegant and less verbose, a few examples I absorbed this week:
Named tuples:
- >>> Point = collections.namedtuple('Point', ['x', 'y'])
- >>> p = Point(x=1.0, y=2.0)
- >>> p
- Point(x=1.0, y=2.0)
Now you can index by keyword, much nicer than offset into tuple by number (less readable)
- >>> p.x
- 1.0
- >>> p.y
Elegantly used when looping through a csv:
- with open('stock.csv') as f:
- f_csv = csv.reader(f)
- headings = next(f_csv)
- Row = namedtuple('Row', headings)
- for r in f_csv:
- row = Row(*r) # note the star extraction
- # ... process row ...
I like the unpacking star feature to throw away useless fields:
- line = 'nobody:*:-2:-2:Unprivileged User:/var/empty:/usr/bin/false'
- >>> uname, *fields, homedir, sh = line.split(':')
- >>> uname
- 'nobody'
- >>> homedir
- '/var/empty'
- >>> sh
- '/usr/bin/false'
Superconvenient: the defaultdict:
- from collections import defaultdict
- rows_by_date = defaultdict(list)
- for row in rows:
- rows_by_date[row['date']].append(row)",
Before I would init the list each time which leads to needless code:
if row['date'] not in rows_by_date:
- rows_by_date[row['date']] = []
You can use OrderedDict to leave the order of inserted keys:
- >>> import collections
- >>> d = collections.OrderedDict()
- >>> d['a'] = 'A'
- >>> d['b'] = 'B'
- >>> d['c'] = 'C'
- >>> d['d'] = 'D'
- >>> d['e'] = 'E'
- >>> for k, v in d.items():
- ... print k, v
- ...
- a A
- b B
- c C
- d D
- e E
Another nice one is Counter:
from collections import Counter
- words = [
- 'look', 'into', 'my', 'eyes', 'look', 'into', 'my', 'eyes',
- 'the', 'eyes', 'the', 'eyes', 'the', 'eyes', 'not', 'around', 'the',
- 'eyes', ""don't"", 'look', 'around', 'the', 'eyes', 'look', 'into',
- 'my', 'eyes', ""you're"", 'under'
- ]
- word_counts = Counter(words)
- top_three = word_counts.most_common(3)
- print(top_three)
- # Outputs [('eyes', 8), ('the', 5), ('look', 4)]",
Again, before I would write most_common manually. Not necessary, this is all done already somewhere in the stdlib :)
2. sorted() accepts a key arg which you can use to sort on something else
Here for example we sort on surname:
- >>> sorted(names, key=lambda name: name.split()[-1].lower())
- ['Ned Batchelder', 'David Beazley', 'Raymond Hettinger', 'Brian Jones']
3. Create XMl from dict
Creating XML tags manually is usually a bad idea, I bookmarked this simple dict_to_xml helper:
- from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element
- def dict_to_xml(tag, d):
- '''
- Turn a simple dict of key/value pairs into XML
- '''
- elem = Element(tag)
- for key, val in d.items():
- child = Element(key)
- child.text = str(val)
- elem.append(child)
- return elem"
4. Oneliner to see if there are any python files in a particular directory
Sometimes ‘any’ is pretty useful:
- import os
- files = os.listdir('dirname')
- if any(name.endswith('.py') for name in files):
- 5. Use set operations to match common items in lists
- >>> a = [1, 2, 3, 'a']
- >>> b = ['a', 'b', 'c', 3, 4, 5]
- >>> set(a).intersection(b)
- {3, 'a'}
6. Use re.compile
If you are going to check a regular expression in a loop, don’t do this:
- for i in longlist:
- if re.match(r'^...', i)
- yet define the regex once and use the pattern:
- p = re.compile(r'^...')
- for i in longlist:
- if p.match(i)
7. Printing files with potential bad (Unicode) characters
The book suggested to print filenames of unknown origin, use this convention to avoid errors:
- def bad_filename(filename):
- return repr(filename)[1:-1]
- try:
- print(filename)
- except UnicodeEncodeError:
- print(bad_filename(filename))
unicode chars in files can be nasty because they can blow up your
script. However the logic behind it is not that hard to grasp. A good
snippet to bookmark is the encoding / decoding of Unicode:
- >>> a
- 'pýtĥöñ is awesome\n'
- >>> b = unicodedata.normalize('NFD', a)
- >>> b.encode('ascii', 'ignore').decode('ascii')
- 'python is awesome\n'
O’Reilly has a course on Working with Unicode in Python.
8. Print is pretty cool (Python 3)
I am probably not the only one writing this kind of join operations:
- >>> row = ["1", "bob", "developer", "python"]
- >>> print(','.join(str(x) for x in row))
- 1,bob,developer,python
Turns out you can just write it like this:
- >>> print(*row, sep=',')
- 1,bob,developer,python
- Note again the * unpacking.
9. Functions like sum() accept generators / use the right variable type
I wrote this at a conference to earn me a coffee mug ;)
- sum = 0
- for i in range(1300):
- if i % 3 == 0 or i % 5 == 0:
- sum += i
- print(sum)
Returns 394118, while handing it in I realized this could be written much shorter and efficiently:
- >>> sum(i for i in range(1300) if i % 3 == 0 or i % 5 == 0)
- 394118
A generator:
- lines = (line.strip() for line in f)
is more memory efficient than:
- lines = [line.strip() for line in f] # loads whole list into memory at once
And concatenating strings is inefficient:
- s = "line1\n"
- s += "line2\n"
- s += "line3\n"
- print(s)
Better build up a list and join when printing:
- lines = []
- lines.append("line1")
- lines.append("line2")
- lines.append("line3")
- print("\n".join(lines))
- Another one I liked from the cookbook:
- portfolio = [
- {'name':'GOOG', 'shares': 50},
- {'name':'YHOO', 'shares': 75},
- {'name':'AOL', 'shares': 20},
- {'name':'SCOX', 'shares': 65}
- ]
- min_shares = min(s['shares'] for s in portfolio)
One line to get the min of a numeric value in a nested data structure.
10. Enumerate lines in for loop
You can number lines (or whatever you are looping over) and start with 1 (2nd arg), this is a nice debugging technique
- for lineno, line in enumerate(lines, 1): # start counting at 0
- fields = line.split()
- try:
- count = int(fields[1])
- ...
- except ValueError as e:
- print('Line {}: Parse error: {}'.format(lineno, e))
11. Pandas
Import pandas and numpy:
- import pandas as pd
- import numpy as np
12. Make random dataframe with three columns:
- df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.rand(10,3), columns=list('ABC'))
- Select:
- # Boolean indexing (remember the parentheses)
- df[(df.A < 0.5) & (df.B > 0.5)]
- # Alternative, using query which depends on numexpr
- df.query('A < 0.5 & B > 0.5')
- Project:
- # One columns
- df.A
- # Multiple columns
- # there may be another shorter way, but I don't know it
- df.loc[:,list('AB')]
- Often used snippets
- Dates
13. Difference (in days) between two dates:
from datetime import date
- d1 = date(2013,1,1)
- d2 = date(2013,9,13)
- abs(d2-d1).days
- directory-of-script snippet
- os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
- # combine with
- os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'foo','bar','baz.txt')
14. PostgreSQL-connect-query snippet
- import psycopg2
- conn = psycopg2.connect("host='localhost' user='xxx' password='yyy' dbname='zzz'")
- cur = conn.cursor()
- cur.execute("""SELECT * from foo;""")
- rows = cur.fetchall()
- for row in rows:
- print " ", row[0]
- conn.close()
- Input parsing functions
15. Expand input-file args:
- # input_data: e.g. 'file.txt' or '*.txt' or 'foo/file.txt' 'bar/file.txt'
- filenames = [glob.glob(pathexpr) for pathexpr in input_data]
- filenames = [item for sublist in filenames for item in sublist]
15. Parse key-value pair strings like ‘x=42.0,y=1’:
- kvp = lambda elem,t,i: t(elem.split('=')[i])
- parse_kvp_str = lambda args : dict([(kvp(elem,str,0), kvp(elem,float,1)) for elem in args.split(',')])
- parse_kvp_str('x=42.0,y=1')
Postgres database functions
16. Upper case in Python (just for example):
- -- create extension plpythonu;
- (
- input text
- ) RETURNS text AS
- $$
- return input.upper()
- $$ LANGUAGE plpythonu STRICT;
17. Convert IP address from text to integer:
- CREATE FUNCTION ip2int(input text) RETURNS integer
- LANGUAGE plpythonu
- AS $$
- if 'struct' in SD:
- struct = SD['struct']
- else:
- import struct
- SD['struct'] = struct
- if 'socket' in SD:
- socket = SD['socket']
- else:
- import socket
- SD['socket'] = socket
- return struct.unpack("!I", socket.inet_aton(input))[0]
- $$;
- Convert IP address from integer to text:
- CREATE FUNCTION int2ip(input integer) RETURNS text
- LANGUAGE plpythonu
- AS $$
- if 'struct' in SD:
- struct = SD['struct']
- else:
- import struct
- SD['struct'] = struct
- if 'socket' in SD:
- socket = SD['socket']
- else:
- import socket
- SD['socket'] = socket
- return socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack("!I", input))
- $$;
18. Commandline options
- optparse-commandline-options snippet
- from optparse import OptionParser
- usage = "usage: %prog [options] arg "
- parser = OptionParser(usage=usage)
- parser.add_option("-x", "--some-option-x", dest="x", default=42.0, type="float",
- help="a floating point option")
- (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
- print options.x
- print args[0]
19. print-in-place (progress bar) snippet
- import time
- import sys
- for progress in range(100):
- time.sleep(0.1)
- sys.stdout.write("Download progress: %d%% \r" % (progress) )
- sys.stdout.flush()
Packaging snippets
20. poor-mans-python-executable trick
Learned this trick from voidspace. The trick uses two files ( and hashbang.txt):
- print 'Hello world'
- hashbang.txt (adding a newline after ‘python2.6’ is important):
- #!/usr/bin/env python2.6
- Build an “executable”:
- zip
- cat hashbang.txt > hello
- rm
- chmod u+x hello
- Run “executable”:
- $ ./hello
- Hello world
21. import-class-from-file trick
Import class MyClass from a module file (adapted from stackoverflow):
- import imp
- mod = imp.load_source('name.of.module', 'path/to/')
- obj = mod.MyClass()
22. Occusional-usage snippets
Extract words from string
- words = lambda text: ''.join(c if c.isalnum() else ' ' for c in text).split()
- words('Johnny.Appleseed!is:a*good&farmer')
- # ['Johnny', 'Appleseed', 'is', 'a', 'good', 'farmer']
23. IP address to integer and back
- import struct
- import socket
- def ip2int(addr):
- return struct.unpack("!I", socket.inet_aton(addr))[0]
- def int2ip(addr):
- return socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack("!I", addr))
24. Fluent Python Interface
Copied from riaanvddool.
- # Fluent Interface Definition
- class sql:
- class select:
- def __init__(self, dbcolumn, context=None):
- self.dbcolumn = dbcolumn
- self.context = context
- def select(self, dbcolumn):
- return self.__class__(dbcolumn,self)
- # Demo
- q ='foo').select('bar')
- print q.dbcolumn #bar
- print q.context.dbcolumn #foo
- Flatten a nested lists
- def flatten(elems):
- """
- [['a'], ['b','c',['d'],'e',['f','g']]]
- """
- stack = [elems]
- top = stack.pop()
- while top:
- head, tail = top[0], top[1:]
- if tail: stack.append(tail)
- if not isinstance(head, list): yield head
- else: stack.append(head)
- if stack: top = stack.pop()
- else: break
- snap rounding
- EPSILON = 0.000001
- snap_ceil = lambda x: math.ceil(x) if abs(x - round(x)) > EPSILON else round(x)
- snap_floor = lambda x: math.floor(x) if abs(x - round(x)) > EPSILON else round(x)
- merge-two-dictionaries snippet
- x = {'a': 42}
- y = {'b': 127}
- z = dict(x.items() + y.items())
- # z = {'a': 42, 'b': 127}
25. anonymous-object snippet
Adapted from stackoverflow:
- class Anon(object):
- def __new__(cls, **attrs):
- result = object.__new__(cls)
- result.__dict__ = attrs
- return result
26. Alternative:
- class Anon(object):
- def __init__(self, **kwargs):
- self.__dict__.update(kwargs)
- def __repr__(self):
- return self.__str__()
- def __str__(self):
- return ", ".join(["%s=%s" % (key,value) for key,value in self.__dict__.items()])
27. generate-random-word snippet
Function that returns a random word (could also use random.choicewith this list of words):
- import string, random
- randword = lambda n: "".join([random.choice(string.letters) for i in range(n)])
- setdefault tricks
- Increment (and initialize) value:
- d = {}
- d[2] = d.setdefault(2,39) + 1
- d[2] = d.setdefault(2,39) + 1
- d[2] = d.setdefault(2,39) + 1
- d[2] # value is 42
29. Append value to (possibly uninitialized) list stored under a key in dictionary:
- d = {}
- d.setdefault(2, []).append(42)
- d.setdefault(2, []).append(127)
- d[2] # value is [42, 127]
Binary tricks
30. add-integers-using-XOR snippet
Swap two integer variables using the XOR swap algorithm:
- x = 42
- y = 127
- x = x ^ y
- y = y ^ x
- x = x ^ y
- x # value is 127
- y # value is 42
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