Monday, 9 October 2017

Python trick

The following tricks I find pretty useful in my daily Python work. I also added a few I stumbled upon lately.
1. Use collections
This really makes your code more elegant and less verbose, a few examples I absorbed this week:
Named tuples:
  1. >>> Point = collections.namedtuple('Point', ['x', 'y'])
  2. >>> p = Point(x=1.0, y=2.0)
  3. >>> p
  4. Point(x=1.0, y=2.0)
Now you can index by keyword, much nicer than offset into tuple by number (less readable)
  1. >>> p.x
  2. 1.0
  3. >>> p.y
Elegantly used when looping through a csv:
  1. with open('stock.csv') as f:
  2. f_csv = csv.reader(f)
  3. headings = next(f_csv)
  4. Row = namedtuple('Row', headings)
  5. for r in f_csv:
  6. row = Row(*r) # note the star extraction
  7. # ... process row ...
I like the unpacking star feature to throw away useless fields:
  1. line = 'nobody:*:-2:-2:Unprivileged User:/var/empty:/usr/bin/false'
  2. >>> uname, *fields, homedir, sh = line.split(':')
  3. >>> uname
  4. 'nobody'
  5. >>> homedir
  6. '/var/empty'
  7. >>> sh
  8. '/usr/bin/false'
Superconvenient: the defaultdict:
  1. from collections import defaultdict
  2. rows_by_date = defaultdict(list)
  3. for row in rows:
  4. rows_by_date[row['date']].append(row)",
Before I would init the list each time which leads to needless code:
if row['date'] not in rows_by_date:
  1. rows_by_date[row['date']] = []
You can use OrderedDict to leave the order of inserted keys:
  1. >>> import collections
  2. >>> d = collections.OrderedDict()
  3. >>> d['a'] = 'A'
  4. >>> d['b'] = 'B'
  5. >>> d['c'] = 'C'
  6. >>> d['d'] = 'D'
  7. >>> d['e'] = 'E'
  8. >>> for k, v in d.items():
  9. ... print k, v
  10. ...
  11. a A
  12. b B
  13. c C
  14. d D
  15. e E
Another nice one is Counter:
from collections import Counter
  1. words = [
  2. 'look', 'into', 'my', 'eyes', 'look', 'into', 'my', 'eyes',
  3. 'the', 'eyes', 'the', 'eyes', 'the', 'eyes', 'not', 'around', 'the',
  4. 'eyes', ""don't"", 'look', 'around', 'the', 'eyes', 'look', 'into',
  5. 'my', 'eyes', ""you're"", 'under'
  6. ]
  7. word_counts = Counter(words)
  8. top_three = word_counts.most_common(3)
  9. print(top_three)
  10. # Outputs [('eyes', 8), ('the', 5), ('look', 4)]",
Again, before I would write most_common manually. Not necessary, this is all done already somewhere in the stdlib :)
2. sorted() accepts a key arg which you can use to sort on something else
Here for example we sort on surname:
  1. >>> sorted(names, key=lambda name: name.split()[-1].lower())
  2. ['Ned Batchelder', 'David Beazley', 'Raymond Hettinger', 'Brian Jones']
3. Create XMl from dict
Creating XML tags manually is usually a bad idea, I bookmarked this simple dict_to_xml helper:
  1. from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element
  2. def dict_to_xml(tag, d):
  3. '''
  4. Turn a simple dict of key/value pairs into XML
  5. '''
  6. elem = Element(tag)
  7. for key, val in d.items():
  8. child = Element(key)
  9. child.text = str(val)
  10. elem.append(child)
  11. return elem"
4. Oneliner to see if there are any python files in a particular directory
Sometimes ‘any’ is pretty useful:
  1. import os
  2. files = os.listdir('dirname')
  3. if any(name.endswith('.py') for name in files):
  4. 5. Use set operations to match common items in lists
  5. >>> a = [1, 2, 3, 'a']
  6. >>> b = ['a', 'b', 'c', 3, 4, 5]
  7. >>> set(a).intersection(b)
  8. {3, 'a'}
6. Use re.compile
If you are going to check a regular expression in a loop, don’t do this:
  1. for i in longlist:
  2. if re.match(r'^...', i)
  3. yet define the regex once and use the pattern:
  4. p = re.compile(r'^...')
  5. for i in longlist:
  6. if p.match(i)
7. Printing files with potential bad (Unicode) characters
The book suggested to print filenames of unknown origin, use this convention to avoid errors:
  1. def bad_filename(filename):
  2. return repr(filename)[1:-1]
  3. try:
  4. print(filename)
  5. except UnicodeEncodeError:
  6. print(bad_filename(filename))
Handling unicode chars in files can be nasty because they can blow up your script. However the logic behind it is not that hard to grasp. A good snippet to bookmark is the encoding / decoding of Unicode:
  1. >>> a
  2. 'pýtĥöñ is awesome\n'
  3. >>> b = unicodedata.normalize('NFD', a)
  4. >>> b.encode('ascii', 'ignore').decode('ascii')
  5. 'python is awesome\n'
O’Reilly has a course on Working with Unicode in Python.
8. Print is pretty cool (Python 3)
I am probably not the only one writing this kind of join operations:
  1. >>> row = ["1", "bob", "developer", "python"]
  2. >>> print(','.join(str(x) for x in row))
  3. 1,bob,developer,python
Turns out you can just write it like this:
  1. >>> print(*row, sep=',')
  2. 1,bob,developer,python
  3. Note again the * unpacking.
9. Functions like sum() accept generators / use the right variable type
I wrote this at a conference to earn me a coffee mug ;)
  1. sum = 0
  2. for i in range(1300):
  3. if i % 3 == 0 or i % 5 == 0:
  4. sum += i
  5. print(sum)
Returns 394118, while handing it in I realized this could be written much shorter and efficiently:
  1. >>> sum(i for i in range(1300) if i % 3 == 0 or i % 5 == 0)
  2. 394118
A generator:
  1. lines = (line.strip() for line in f)
is more memory efficient than:
  1. lines = [line.strip() for line in f] # loads whole list into memory at once
And concatenating strings is inefficient:
  1. s = "line1\n"
  2. s += "line2\n"
  3. s += "line3\n"
  4. print(s)
Better build up a list and join when printing:
  1. lines = []
  2. lines.append("line1")
  3. lines.append("line2")
  4. lines.append("line3")
  5. print("\n".join(lines))
  6. Another one I liked from the cookbook:
  7. portfolio = [
  8. {'name':'GOOG', 'shares': 50},
  9. {'name':'YHOO', 'shares': 75},
  10. {'name':'AOL', 'shares': 20},
  11. {'name':'SCOX', 'shares': 65}
  12. ]
  13. min_shares = min(s['shares'] for s in portfolio)
One line to get the min of a numeric value in a nested data structure.
10. Enumerate lines in for loop
You can number lines (or whatever you are looping over) and start with 1 (2nd arg), this is a nice debugging technique
  1. for lineno, line in enumerate(lines, 1): # start counting at 0
  2. fields = line.split()
  3. try:
  4. count = int(fields[1])
  5. ...
  6. except ValueError as e:
  7. print('Line {}: Parse error: {}'.format(lineno, e))
11. Pandas
Import pandas and numpy:
  1. import pandas as pd
  2. import numpy as np
12. Make random dataframe with three columns:
  1. df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.rand(10,3), columns=list('ABC'))
  2. Select:
  3. # Boolean indexing (remember the parentheses)
  4. df[(df.A < 0.5) & (df.B > 0.5)]
  5. # Alternative, using query which depends on numexpr
  6. df.query('A < 0.5 & B > 0.5')
  7. Project:
  8. # One columns
  9. df.A
  10. # Multiple columns
  11. # there may be another shorter way, but I don't know it
  12. df.loc[:,list('AB')]
  • Often used snippets
  • Dates
13. Difference (in days) between two dates:
from datetime import date
  1. d1 = date(2013,1,1)
  2. d2 = date(2013,9,13)
  3. abs(d2-d1).days
  4. directory-of-script snippet
  5. os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
  6. # combine with
  7. os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'foo','bar','baz.txt')
14. PostgreSQL-connect-query snippet
  1. import psycopg2
  2. conn = psycopg2.connect("host='localhost' user='xxx' password='yyy' dbname='zzz'")
  3. cur = conn.cursor()
  4. cur.execute("""SELECT * from foo;""")
  5. rows = cur.fetchall()
  6. for row in rows:
  7. print " ", row[0]
  8. conn.close()
  9. Input parsing functions
15. Expand input-file args:
  1. # input_data: e.g. 'file.txt' or '*.txt' or 'foo/file.txt' 'bar/file.txt'
  2. filenames = [glob.glob(pathexpr) for pathexpr in input_data]
  3. filenames = [item for sublist in filenames for item in sublist]
15. Parse key-value pair strings like ‘x=42.0,y=1’:
  1. kvp = lambda elem,t,i: t(elem.split('=')[i])
  2. parse_kvp_str = lambda args : dict([(kvp(elem,str,0), kvp(elem,float,1)) for elem in args.split(',')])
  3. parse_kvp_str('x=42.0,y=1')
Postgres database functions
16. Upper case in Python (just for example):
  1. -- create extension plpythonu;
  3. (
  4. input text
  5. ) RETURNS text AS
  6. $$
  7. return input.upper()
  8. $$ LANGUAGE plpythonu STRICT;
17. Convert IP address from text to integer:
  1. CREATE FUNCTION ip2int(input text) RETURNS integer
  2. LANGUAGE plpythonu
  3. AS $$
  4. if 'struct' in SD:
  5. struct = SD['struct']
  6. else:
  7. import struct
  8. SD['struct'] = struct
  9. if 'socket' in SD:
  10. socket = SD['socket']
  11. else:
  12. import socket
  13. SD['socket'] = socket
  14. return struct.unpack("!I", socket.inet_aton(input))[0]
  15. $$;
  16. Convert IP address from integer to text:
  17. CREATE FUNCTION int2ip(input integer) RETURNS text
  18. LANGUAGE plpythonu
  19. AS $$
  20. if 'struct' in SD:
  21. struct = SD['struct']
  22. else:
  23. import struct
  24. SD['struct'] = struct
  25. if 'socket' in SD:
  26. socket = SD['socket']
  27. else:
  28. import socket
  29. SD['socket'] = socket
  30. return socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack("!I", input))
  31. $$;
18. Commandline options
  1. optparse-commandline-options snippet
  2. from optparse import OptionParser
  3. usage = "usage: %prog [options] arg "
  4. parser = OptionParser(usage=usage)
  5. parser.add_option("-x", "--some-option-x", dest="x", default=42.0, type="float",
  6. help="a floating point option")
  7. (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
  8. print options.x
  9. print args[0]
19. print-in-place (progress bar) snippet
  1. import time
  2. import sys
  3. for progress in range(100):
  4. time.sleep(0.1)
  5. sys.stdout.write("Download progress: %d%% \r" % (progress) )
  6. sys.stdout.flush()
Packaging snippets
20. poor-mans-python-executable trick
Learned this trick from voidspace. The trick uses two files ( and hashbang.txt):
  2. print 'Hello world'
  3. hashbang.txt (adding a newline after python2.6 is important):
  4. #!/usr/bin/env python2.6
  5. Build an executable”:
  6. zip
  7. cat hashbang.txt > hello
  8. rm
  9. chmod u+x hello
  10. Run executable”:
  11. $ ./hello
  12. Hello world
21. import-class-from-file trick
Import class MyClass from a module file (adapted from stackoverflow):
  1. import imp
  2. mod = imp.load_source('name.of.module', 'path/to/')
  3. obj = mod.MyClass()
22. Occusional-usage snippets
Extract words from string
  1. words = lambda text: ''.join(c if c.isalnum() else ' ' for c in text).split()
  2. words('Johnny.Appleseed!is:a*good&farmer')
  3. # ['Johnny', 'Appleseed', 'is', 'a', 'good', 'farmer']
23. IP address to integer and back
  1. import struct
  2. import socket
  3. def ip2int(addr):
  4. return struct.unpack("!I", socket.inet_aton(addr))[0]
  5. def int2ip(addr):
  6. return socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack("!I", addr))
24. Fluent Python Interface
Copied from riaanvddool.
  1. # Fluent Interface Definition
  2. class sql:
  3. class select:
  4. def __init__(self, dbcolumn, context=None):
  5. self.dbcolumn = dbcolumn
  6. self.context = context
  7. def select(self, dbcolumn):
  8. return self.__class__(dbcolumn,self)
  9. # Demo
  10. q ='foo').select('bar')
  11. print q.dbcolumn #bar
  12. print q.context.dbcolumn #foo
  13. Flatten a nested lists
  14. def flatten(elems):
  15. """
  16. [['a'], ['b','c',['d'],'e',['f','g']]]
  17. """
  18. stack = [elems]
  19. top = stack.pop()
  20. while top:
  21. head, tail = top[0], top[1:]
  22. if tail: stack.append(tail)
  23. if not isinstance(head, list): yield head
  24. else: stack.append(head)
  25. if stack: top = stack.pop()
  26. else: break
  27. snap rounding
  28. EPSILON = 0.000001
  29. snap_ceil = lambda x: math.ceil(x) if abs(x - round(x)) > EPSILON else round(x)
  30. snap_floor = lambda x: math.floor(x) if abs(x - round(x)) > EPSILON else round(x)
  31. merge-two-dictionaries snippet
  32. x = {'a': 42}
  33. y = {'b': 127}
  34. z = dict(x.items() + y.items())
  35. # z = {'a': 42, 'b': 127}
25. anonymous-object snippet
Adapted from stackoverflow:
  1. class Anon(object):
  2. def __new__(cls, **attrs):
  3. result = object.__new__(cls)
  4. result.__dict__ = attrs
  5. return result
26. Alternative:
  1. class Anon(object):
  2. def __init__(self, **kwargs):
  3. self.__dict__.update(kwargs)
  4. def __repr__(self):
  5. return self.__str__()
  6. def __str__(self):
  7. return ", ".join(["%s=%s" % (key,value) for key,value in self.__dict__.items()])
27. generate-random-word snippet
Function that returns a random word (could also use random.choicewith this list of words):
  1. import string, random
  2. randword = lambda n: "".join([random.choice(string.letters) for i in range(n)])
  3. setdefault tricks
  4. Increment (and initialize) value:
  5. d = {}
  6. d[2] = d.setdefault(2,39) + 1
  7. d[2] = d.setdefault(2,39) + 1
  8. d[2] = d.setdefault(2,39) + 1
  9. d[2] # value is 42
29. Append value to (possibly uninitialized) list stored under a key in dictionary:
  1. d = {}
  2. d.setdefault(2, []).append(42)
  3. d.setdefault(2, []).append(127)
  4. d[2] # value is [42, 127]
Binary tricks
30. add-integers-using-XOR snippet
Swap two integer variables using the XOR swap algorithm:
  1. x = 42
  2. y = 127
  3. x = x ^ y
  4. y = y ^ x
  5. x = x ^ y
  6. x # value is 127
  7. y # value is 42

Friday, 6 October 2017

This is a true story that happened in Japan.
In order to renovate the house, a Japanese man breaks open the wall. Japanese houses normally have a hollow space between the wooden walls.
When tearing down the walls, he found that there was a lizard stuck there, because a nail from outside had been hammered into one of its feet.
He sees this, feels pity, & at the same time curiousity. When he checks the nail, it was nailed 5 years ago, when the house was built!!!
*What happened?*
The lizard had survived in such a position for 5 yrs!!!
In a dark wall partition for 5 years without moving, it is impossible and mind-boggling.
Then he wondered how this lizard had survived for 5 years without moving a single inch, since its foot was impaled!
So he stopped his work and observed the lizard, to see what it has been doing, and how it has been eating
Later, not knowing from where it came, appears another lizard, with food in it's mouth.
Ah! He was stunned and touched deeply.
For the lizard that was impaled by the nail, another lizard had been feeding it for the past 5 years.
Imagine? It has been doing that untiringly for 5 long years, without giving up hope on its partner.
Imagine what a small creature can do, that a creature blessed with a brilliant mind cannot do.
  • Please , never abandon your loved ones. Don't turn your back on people because they are in difficulty. Don't see yourself as more intelligent or the best. You may be a bit luckier today but life is uncertain and can change things tomorrow....
Before you say something just remember...
  • It takes a moment to break, but an entire lifetime to make .........
  • God created space within our fingers so that we can hold hands......
  • Be there for somebody today.
Love one another!!!

Friday, 29 September 2017


A long and cold if possible.
It doesn't matter if you have already taken one in the morning.
The next time you are
  • Feeling lost - Take a shower!
  • Feeling guilty - Take a shower!
  • Feeling unproductive - Take a shower!
  • Feeling stressed - Take a shower!
  • Feeling bored - Take a shower!
  • Feeling depressed - Take a shower!
  • Feeling lazy/ sleepy - Take a shower!
  • Feeling sweaty - Take a shower!😳



  1. If you are the smartest in the room, you are in the wrong room.
  2. Be nice to people on the way up or it is real shitty on the way down
  3. Don’t tell anybody about the people you find annoying.
  4. Don’t criticize work or anyone in the hallways.
  5. Everything communicates. How you dress, how you stand, how you speak, etc. matters.
  6. Do not confuse your personal identity with your employment. So, have a life outside corporate life.

Tuesday, 19 September 2017

न में अगले साल चुनाव होने वाले हैं, जिसकी तैयारी जोर-शोर से चल रही है। आतंकी संगठन ‘जमात-उद-दावा’ के सरगना हाफ़िज़ सईद ने भी इस बार चुनाव लड़ने का एलान किया है। इसी सिलसिले में उन्होंने कल अपनी पार्टी का घोषणा-पत्र जारी कर दिया। इस घोषणा-पत्र में वादा किया गया है कि “अगर उनकी सरकार आती है, पाकिस्तान में कोई भी बेरोजगार नहीं रहेगा, और हर हाथ को काम (AK-47) दिया जाएगा। ये योजना देश में हमेशा चालू रहेगी, और जो भी इसके तहत काम मांगेगा उसे तुरंत AK-47 पकड़ा के काम पर लगा दिया जाएगा